Review of Justlease.nl

3 years ago

Never start with it, or you must like to be after ...

Never start with it, or you must like to be after your own money and pay for everything.

I returned my car early on 17-5 because I wanted to get rid of this terrible company as quickly as possible.
Of course I had to pay a considerable lump sum payment here.
For the lump sum payment I already had the invoice on 20-5, and on the same day I received the invoice for the June lease.
Of course just sent an email that the car has already been returned and that they should not write off the June lease.
I receive an e-mail stating that they can no longer stop this collection, so I had to cancel it.
You would think problem solved but unfortunately, the amount of the lump sum and the June lease was debited as 1 amount.
And this is strange because I actually received 2 separate invoices for these amounts.
This sketches a picture of what kind of company you are dealing with here, here you are not a customer but a dairy cow.
The same e-mail also stated that I would receive a final invoice within 2 weeks in which everything would be settled, such as the deposit, the remainder of the month of May and in the meantime the lease of June.

Of course this invoice is not drawn up so after 3 weeks I will just call, I was told that it could take 6 weeks due to a backlog.
Now this in itself is a good explanation, although not that they did have time to draw up the invoice for the lump sum payment within 3 days, so I am talking about a selective backlog.
So now just wait and see when I get the money I am entitled to.
So if you are considering becoming a customer of Justpay and Justlease don't do it walk around with a big bow.
And now there are so many better and cheaper providers that you can miss this club as a toothache.

Update 11-6-2019:

As you can see from the reaction below, she is not all that interested.
If you googled for a while, you will see that this problem has been going on for a few years and that they are not doing much about it, why should they, too, have the money?
So once again never start to become a customer at this hopeless hobby club.

Update 13-7-2019

Meanwhile, another month further and still no money back.
My legal assistance has already taken action twice, but they lie just as loudly as they do to me.
If you could make money with lying they would have been bigger than Apple.
A summary of what happened again.
I did receive a final invoice, but it was obviously not correct.
the deposit was missing on this invoice.
Obviously sent an email to indicate this.
Then they came up with the brilliant idea of charging the lump sum once more and then deducting the deposit from it.
So instead of receiving about 500 euros from them, I was allowed to pay 848 euros.
My legal assistance immediately went after this and has since been credited with the promise that a correct final invoice would be drawn up immediately.
This has already been 10 days ago and you have not seen an invoice yet.
My legal aid must now come into action for the third time for a simple repayment, which in the meantime also assumes that the financial situation at Justlease is so bad that they cannot pay back.
Given the many complaints about the administrative chaos, this also sounds plausible.
So an accelerated procedure is started to get my money back as quickly as possible.
Nice detail is that last week I received an apology letter with a VVV voucher of 25 Euro, in itself a nice gesture but if you still have 500 Euro credit this is a cigar from my own box.
19 coupons to go, shall we say.
And finally, I cannot emphasize enough not to GO WITH THIS CUBE IN THE SEA.
to be continued.


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