
monkaS Tan

4 years ago

The Dark Side of recruit express

The Dark Side of recruit express
Firstly, these are all real experiences that I feel have to be voiced out for people out there seeking service from this recruitment firm.

The first horrible experience
I was told to head down for an interview for an accounting role but when I reached the agent that was supposed to meet me did not turn up. Someone else took over for the interview and wanted to offer me another position. I told her I would like to look for an accounting role. The agent immediately showed no interest and decided to move on to the next candidate.

The second experience was similar. I talked to the agent on an accounting role and we arranged a day for the interview. When I went for the interview, this time the person was there but spoke nothing of the role we talked about over the phone. The agent went to check for some other jobs on the spot and asked me if I am interested. Confused AF I asked what about the role we discussed over the phone. She had no clue what I was talking about.

This last experience is going to be the worst experience ever.
The agent had finally paired me with a suitable company. I headed over to the company for my interview and HOORAY! got the call back from the agent that the company would like to hire me and she wanted to know my response and head down to their office to do some "get to know me better" interview. I told her I had another interview that day and would not be able to give a response yet. She immediately sounded really defensive and told me it is not right of me to source out another company. I explained that I had arrangement for this interview a few days ago. she then rushed me to give a reply. During my interview, this agent would spam call me non stop.
It felt like she was really really desperate to close this deal.
Well good news for her, I am willing to take up the job.
A week later she told me to sign the contract. We settled on a date but the next day I realised I had something urgent and could not make it. She then told me that I had to do a e-sign over my phone first and she would keep asking if I was keen. I assured her I am sincere about this job and we would get the physical copy sign on another date.
So my phone ran out of battery at this point and I couldnt get the e-sign done but once I got my phone to switch on, I received an email that she decided to drop me off.
Now this is really really absurd, I know you are desperate to close the deal but this is just unacceptable. You gave be a couple of hours to do a e-sign, I barely even had time to read the contract properly, you drop me off and found some backup quickly just to close your deal quick and earn your commission, you were really rude with the spam calls. Is this how all the agents do their work? I contacted the manager on this, she didnt gave me a solution and just mention that she will give my feedback to that agent. Though it was partly my fault, but I am sure things could have been handled so much better. I think clients should be okay with taking some time to consider if they would want to pick up the job. I believe if the client could not take up the call, no amount of calls would allow him to pick it up. You dont drop off your client over a few hours, at least give them a day to make sure they really ghosted you.

Now these experiences probably do not determine the true performance of the company, I am sure there are truly genuine agents that would really help pair their clients with the right workers.
However from what I have experienced, these agents are just desperate to close their deals.
If you are looking into getting this recruitment firm to help source for workers with the right skillset, I would advise caution as these agents might just pair anybody up and just close the deal asap for their own benefit. I am sure you would not like a high turn over rate for your company as well if the wrong person was chosen.
People seeking jobs, be careful and read the contract carefully, do not let them rush you into signing the contract for there might be problems in the future.


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