Ryan Leonard

4 years ago


Cannot stand this company. DO NOT USE THEM unless you want to be screwed over and lose a ton of money. Plumber comes onto my property in Doney Park, never told me he was there so I could put the dogs away. He approaches our foster German Shepherd and put his face in hers to get bit. Naturally, she did. She has never shown aggression towards anyone else, besides normal barking. He's bleeding from his forehead and nose, so I ask if I can call him an ambulance, I break out the first aid kit, I offer to pay his co-pay at urgent care. I was trying to help him all I could. He doesn't have health insurance and tells me he's gonna use workers compensation. He also tells me multiple times that I'm gonna "pay for this" and that they're "gonna come after" me for it. On top of this, before he showed up.. speaking on the phone made statements that he's not a rich man and that to fix my problem it's gonna cost thousands and thousands of dollars. He tells me to dig a 5' deep by 14' long trench to find my water line. (For no reason). After he leaves another company comes out and discovers that I didn't have to dig at all and it cost $200 and 2 hours to fix. Mountain Highs owner calls me a few days later, telling me that I'm gonna have to pay for his medical bills because workers comp won't cover it. He was at work!!! By law, the dogs owner obligated to cover his damages. I understand that. But now the plumber is trying to come after me in a civil lawsuit! And on top of that, the company charges my credit card (without my permission) for $201. Never emailed me about it, never called me about it, never notified me in anyway! They charged me $201 for their plumber doing literally nothing, but trying to scam me out of thousands of dollars. AVOID THIS COMPANY!!!! NEGATIVE 5 STARS!!!!!


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