Chase Smith

4 years ago

TL;DR The front office at one of their properties ...

TL;DR The front office at one of their properties (Camden Place) is incompetent and is now charging us an additional $1400-1500

We signed a lease back in early 2018 that tied us to an apartment from June 2018 to June 2019. We are students and were planning on moving back to Campus area but the new lease we signed started in August 2019. So, we asked (in December 2018) for an extension on our lease to August of 2019 stating that we signed another lease to start that same month. The office was gracious enough to allow the extension. We were still required to sign a 60-day intent to move out though. We asked them if we could sign the intent to move out that day (December 2018). They said it is company policy to have it exactly 60 days from the move out day (I don t understand why but we agreed). They even stated that they would provide a courtesy reminder 90 days from the end of our lease so that we don t forget. Fast forward to the extension months (June-August). Our rent was supposed to increase partway through June (to which we understood and agreed to), and due to the complexity of the rent over these months, we went down to the office to ask about our new rent amount. The rent was going to be different for each month (June, July and August). So, we had to stop by every first of the month to guarantee that we paid the correct amount. Not one of those times were we asked if we planned on renewing or terminating our lease in August. We never received our 90-day notice reminder and come late July, we inquired about the exact move-out day, to which they stated that we haven t submitted an intent to leave. We tell them that we stated back in December that we were intending to leave but they wouldn t let us submit it in writing. Moreover, they never reminded us at the 60-day mark. Their answer was that it was company policy to not take 60-day notice until 60 days out and the reminder is more of a courtesy than a requirement. On top of that, they tried to play it off as if they were helping us by ending the lease in late September instead of extending it a whole year. Their stupid company policy and incompetence has led them to hold us accountable for $1400-1500 of rent that we can t afford. I will admit that I forgot to submit the 60-day intent to leave, but why wouldn t they make a note in our folder that we planned on leaving in August 2019 when we stated it to them in December 2018 or why wouldn t they allow us to sign an intent to leave well before the 60-day mark, or why wouldn t they remind us when we met with them several times over the preceding months? AVOID THIS PLACE. The front office may seem nice at first but they are incompetent and will hide behind the legal documents instead of admitting their failures.


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