Duncan Best

3 years ago

Went last year loved it, went this year hated it!

Went last year loved it, went this year hated it!
Quick summary:
Lazy teen staff on mobiles
Run down and poorly maintained
Many exhibits closed on our visit (not warned on the website)
Additional charges everywhere

I echo some of the other comments about this Park. I took the Children last year and we had a fantastic time. Well kitted out and with all-round family entertainment well balanced.

This year is was very different. Lazy clumps teens playing with their phones manning children activities.

Poorly maintained animal enclosures and rides. Some were son unintentionally overgrown you couldn't see the animals. Penguin enclosed closed entirely. Rides falling to bits with potentially dangerous elements.

Loads of this closed or cordoned off with signs like 'something great coming soon' - great help if you've driven 50 miles today.

Last year 2015 I would have rated it at a 4 star, this year 2 and it's only getting a 2 star because the kids enjoyed it.

Sack supervising management
Parking should be inclusive
Spend a bit of money to make more money
Get rid of the boring animals no one cares about and save some money. Seriously who goes to a park like this to see a guinea pigs or rabbits I could have bought them for the price of a single ticket and thrown them out of the window on the journey home.


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