Aziz Ben Soltana

4 years ago

Harris Qadir fought for our case until we won!

Harris Qadir fought for our case until we won!

Harris Qadir from UK Migration Lawyers has provided us with what I consider without exageration the best service I've ever had my whole life. No one has ever cared as much about client satisfaction as much as Harris. The man simply doesn't give up on you.

We have approached UK Migration Lawyers in December 2020 to apply for a UK visitor visa for my Ukrainian girlfriend. Harris was appointed as our caseworker. His thorough and simple explanation of the application process and his attention to details assured us that we are being looked after by a very knowledgeable and professional person.

Once Harris established our pupose of visit and our circumstances he requested us to prepare a very clear and detailed set of documents and he proceeded to submitting the application on our behalf.

Until then, everything was straightforward and clear and we were quite confident that my girlfriend's visa would be granted since we have met all the requirements and our circumstances are clear and advantageous.

However, few days after our application was submitted we were shocked to receive an email informing that the visa was rejected.

Now... In normal cases, this is when you would usually get an email saying sorry and the story ends there. But Harris is not that type. Harris was in fact as baffled as us by the decision and he was 100% committed to deliver the results we believed we deserve. He called us and explained that the person who made the decision did not take all details we submitted into consideration. Harris offered the option of appealing against this decision through PAP.

To be honest, when I sensed that level of commitment from Harris to our case I felt like no matter what the decision of the appeal would be, this man deserves a lot of credit just for the efforts he made to push for a positive decision.

Few weeks after the appeal was lodged, my girlfriend sent me a screenshot from an email reading... "Your visa decision was overturned".

I literally jumped off my seat at work and punched the air like we just won an Oscar!

But the person who really deserves an Oscar is the one who stuck around for 4 months making calls, answering calls, writing emails, replying to emails, collecting documents, writing letters, reviewing decisions, lodging appeals and pretty much fighting for us until our last glimmer of hope. That person is Harris Qadir and I will never be able to thank him enough.


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