Sandra Burns

4 years ago

My brother has been at ECMC for three weeks. I vi...

My brother has been at ECMC for three weeks. I visited him on Friday, April 24th around 5:00 pm on the 10th floor, room 1006. When I arrived he was sleeping so I sort of walked around waiting for him to wake up. I then saw the Dietary cart down the hall and figured i would walk in when they brought him his dinner. When she put the tray down, next to the tray on the over bed table was a clear medicine cup with pills in it.

I then asked him if he should be taking these pills. He didn't know anything about the pills so I proceeded to leave the room with them and walk down to ask his nurse about them. The nurse didn't seem too concerned just said, "Those must have been on his tray since before he went down for dialysis". I then asked him if he is supposed to keep track of what medicine my brother is taking and when he gets them. I wasn't given a clear answer but it looks like some back tracking was done. All of a sudden the nurse who didn't seem very concerned was very interested in my brothers care. He then proceeded to make sure he now got the medication he was supposed to get and then told me there were certain pills he wasn't supposed to get because he went down for dialysis. I am not sure of the protocol for giving medication but I think this is unacceptable. I have been in the room many times and all of the nurses scan his bracelet and then tell him what medicine he is taking and what it is for. I have now left a message on the Patient Advocate line over the weekend and again yesterday. I also left a message for the Unit Manager and no return calls. I need a call back and need an answer to all of my questions. I am leaving this review on the website in hopes that someone will call me back. Thank you.


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