Nathan Shaw

4 years ago

This is margot shaw posting - the first therapist ...

This is margot shaw posting - the first therapist that helped me a couple of years ago was wonderful. He was very knowledgable and took there time to make sure my cpap mask was optimal. He left over a year ago and ever since getting help from respectful individuals with expertise has been mostly impossible. Comments like do you want all the supplies you are entitled to or just this one time we will fit you with a new mask early when the one they gave me has obvious design flaws , are unacceptable. They sent the wrong mask once but I struggled through with it for many months before bothering them. They said a substitution had been made for an unknown reason but the one I had ordered was no longer made. I was chastised for not bringing my machine in to pick out a new one but they never indicated that was recommended when I made the appointment. In addition their logic for needing the machine made no sense. It wasn t like they had a place to lie down and sleep to test it afterall. After several weeks of trying to make the new one work it became clear that it just was not going to stay in place. When I called to discuss the matter the person to whom I spoke lacked communication skills. She did not listen , jumped to conclusions , interrupted , misunderstood what I said and spoke to me like she thought I was a child or an idiot. If I knew how to change suppliers I would in an instant. It s no wonder why a competent therapist left this company ; if the company was savvy they would have replaced him with someone of the same caliber.


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