Miwok Dakota

4 years ago

Mary, I share the same concerns. We've been member...

Mary, I share the same concerns. We've been members for over 10 years. I was willing to deal with all of the new changes, but I haven't enjoyed my shopping experience here since they expanded the store and brought in nearly an entire new staff. The meat guy with the glasses is not helpful at all with assistance or questions - I don't even feel comfortable with him behind the counter handling any meat products. The layout of store is awkward, the lighting is harsh, and ordering anything from the wellness department is pointless, because they either don't order it or they never call you to let you know it is not available.

There are other irks I have, but yesterday will likely mark my last day shopping there. When I approached the check-out to pay, the cashier stepped way back from register as I placed my items on the conveyer (she was already behind the plexiglass.) She then told me to stand back from the plexiglass. We were both wearing masks, btw. When I had to step to the side to put my credit card in the machine, she again dramatically stepped way back. Then, she waited for me to bag my own groceries because she apparently didn't want to come any closer to her customers. It was overly-dramatic and ridiculous behavior, and downright rude and dehumanizing. I stood there and waited for her to bag my groceries because I figured that if she was going to be so offensive and overly fearful of even having me in her lane, I wouldn't come any closer. Funny thing is, she didn't even disinfect the conveyer or anything with spray or wipes before moving on to the person behind me, which one would think she would do after displaying so much panic.

Ugh, I'll go to Target or Byerlys from now on where they still treat their customers humanely.


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