Brittany Straw

4 years ago

My fiance and I booked a 4 night stay at the hotel...

My fiance and I booked a 4 night stay at the hotel to go to Disney with our 4 kids. We booked the suite so everyone had their own bed which was nice and there was decent privacy between the rooms. Got to the hotel late and still had to run to walmart for food and snacks for the park. Got back to the hotel and went to bed. Not even ten minutes later people were outside talking loudly for about 2 hours. I layed there trying to get to sleep and finally did. The next day my mother in law stayed at the hotel while we were at Disney. House keeping never came and cleaned our room nor gave us clean towels. Since their weren't enough towels for everyone, she wasn't able to shower. She called the office 3 times and they kept telling her someone would come by to service our room. Finally around 5, someone came. None of the girls spoke english, they cleaned our room half ass and talked on their cell phone the whole time they were there. The next night we all lay down and somehow get to sleep with commotion going on outside again. 3:30 rolls around and I'm assuming the bars let out because a group of about 15 people roll in to the room next to ours are hooting, hollering and partying it up outside their room and in it. I kindly went and asked them to keep it down because I had kids trying to sleep. They apologized and said they would. It lasted about 10 minutes before it started back up again so I called the office and complained. They said they would send someone down there to see the the problem. I waited and waited and no one ever came and the noise never stopped. The next night wasnt as bad until about 6 am when the people above us who had 6+ kids, let them run back and forth on the balcony non stop. I went outside and asked them to keep it down and none of them spoke english either. The woman brought the kids inside and apologized. 10 minutes later it started back up again so I called the office and complained again. The man in the office barely spoke english and got really lippy with me when I called. Said he would send somone down. 1 hour later the nonsense was still going on so I called again. This time I threatened to call the police if something wasnt done. The man got really snotty with me and then hung up on me. Nothing was ever done! This hotel has no care or concern for their guests! I will never recommend this hotel to anyone! Not one employee that was there spoke english and they were all extremely rude! When we went up and confronted the manager about everything and all she did was apologize and told us that nothing was documented about any of the complaints that were made. Asked her if their was anything she could do for us to compensate us for the multiple inconveniences we had and the incompetent staff and she said there was nothing she could do. Not only did we pay over $600 to stay at this establishment but they charged our card twice and acted like they knew nothing about it when we checked out. Had to complain and talk to multiple people (due to lack of English speaking employees) before things were resolved there. Terrible, terrible experience!


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