Cole Mims

3 years ago

So there I was with my homies. Riding up and down ...

So there I was with my homies. Riding up and down 175 mad max style along the once vibrant city of Columbia, Maryland. Darkened buildings and boarded up windows whizzed past us on either side as our twin engine bikes roared down the road.

In past America, before the shut down, it was common to stop and have a beer from time to time.

So we searched.

Oh yes we searched every corner of Columbia Maryland. Surely there was some persistent soul amongst this desolate wasteland that could quench our thirst, but it was futile. Everything was closed.

We collapsed onto the pavement. Our bikes toppling to the side. Throats dry and lips parched. This was the end. The darkness was coming..

Until a figure appeared on the horizon, her light flooding the bleak gray that had overcome the city. Her great angelic wings extended on either side as she descended to where we lay. "Who....Are..You?" I rasped.

"I am Aleesah" she replied. "And I have the beer you seek"

Cradling each of us in her arms she flew us to a magical well, beaming with light. "Drink deeply from the well of the Flying Dog Irish Coffee" she commanded. "And you will be quenched."

After we finished our beer we looked upon her as she ascended to the sky. "Will I ever see you again!? Also will you marry me?" I called out.

As she faded from view she responded, "Frisco Taphouse will soon open at 5pm, you may find me there, and no. I don't date mortals."

True story. All of it. Aleesah is awesome. Take your business here


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