Aditi Apte Lagu

3 years ago

In short the service was quick. It took us just 1 ...

In short the service was quick. It took us just 1 hour for complete process.

We had an appointment at 8 in the morning, we reached there by 7. There were only 2 people in the queue at that time. So we had breakfast at Tim Hortons nearby and came back at 7:30.There were around 20-30 people in the queue by now. (Note: the convenience store next to Tim Hortons was open at 7 where you can keep your items in the lockers.) There were 2 queues - you have to get your DS160 and passport checked at the counter when it is your turn in first queue , then you have to go in second queue for security check. The security guard will check same documents and will verify your identity by having a good look at your face and the photo in your passport :) ;). Kindly note that both queues were outside the US consulate so better wear all your winter wear.Then you go inside , get your belongings and yourself scanned (you need to remove your jacket). Next steps are in this order -->
1. Show your passport, proof of legal status in canada and your photo
2. Next line for fingerprints
3. Last and most important line for your interview.Me and y husband were together at each counter as we were travelling together.The interview was quick, was done in 7-10 minutes. Interviewer asked general questions about education, work, purpose of travel, places to visit in US. Your answers should be aligned to the information you have provided in the visa application form, they would ask questions just to verify even if the information is already available in our application.

The interviewer and all of the staff members were professional enough. Be confident and calm. All the best for your interview.


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