
pyro Staticak007

3 years ago

I actually come here fairly often, I am having to ...

I actually come here fairly often, I am having to change my four star into a one star.

I come, and get the same thing every time. I ll usually take a peak at one-three of the same form of contents. This time however, when I asked can I just see another? She (the budtender) responded with their all pretty much the same man. Too which I responded so.. can I see another? She walked away and then returned with the same container, vs the same container and the new one I asked to see, as any other budtender has done in the past. She acted as if it was a complete inconvenience just to ask to see another. Seriously, if you don t like your job; quit.

Being a paying consumer means I have the right to at least pick, and selected my product. I felt forced into buying the specific product. Of course I can go anywhere, I have options. However, I attempted to give her another chance by asking well what deals have you guys got going on? (Knowing that would cost more, but just wanted to see how she would respond.) too which she just pointed behind her should with her thumb and said their all up there.

So, I proceeded with the original, and final purchase.
Which she had taken a part of my change and shorted me. I guess... your welcome for your tip? For being rude? Okay, that s called stealing.

For the record, it was not very busy. There was no need to be so spiteful. Why she was like that, I don t know. But I ll be returning to silver stem.

Thanks for the service!! It s good to separate the weeds from the flowers!


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