Jazreel Ching

4 years ago

Hire part-time lecturers like Mdm Tan-See Choy Pin...

Hire part-time lecturers like Mdm Tan-See Choy Ping who has no proper background in chemistry.

Received a tip-off that she caused a student to be badly injured in the lab yet still continued with her lessson as though nothing has happened. The student had to see a doctor ASAP and thankfully received treatment there after the student s parents drove there. The doctor was enraged and said if it was any later, serious consequences to the injury could have taken place. (Student also provided evidence to me) However, she was unrepentant and refused to admit her mistakes, saying that it s minor and asked the student to settle it herself; in one point, even going to the washroom to do her own business and asked the student to clean up her own mess instead of applying first aid for her. She also bribed the TSO into saying that no such thing has involved even when there re so many evidences lying around. She was angry and gave the student a D- grade although the student scored 60+ (a B) for the paper! As this case has past, apparently, news outlets and I weren t able to seek justice for the student. As such, hope that by posting here, I can help my Friend gain some form of justice.

Update: She is also teaching private tuition now so pls don t be scammed by her - picture as attached in my profile to Singapore Polytechnic


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