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Review of Whole Yoga

3 years ago

Why would I give 5 starts to this studio and say n...

Why would I give 5 starts to this studio and say not others?
What's so different about it?


Carlos Castaneda wrote in one of his books:
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable FORCE which shamans call INTENT, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a [non-visible to humans of today] connecting link."

The intention of the founder as well as its current owner, none of which are friends of mine, I wanted to clarify this just in case... have decided to keep this studio LOW KEY and AFFORDABLE. No 'cool studio', no preppie concept, no upscale and elite 'we are cool, you are not'... low key automatically means, you come in and do your thing, LEARN POSES that will benefit you and only you regardless of the environment.

That's for those curious about this yoga studio -

For those that have never been exposed to Yoga, WHY YOGA?
Why not pilates, jazzercise, kickboxing, MMA, tango or zumba???
Once again, the keyword is INTENTION.

After 7-8 years of knee pain on both legs and having doctors tell me 'We've done MRIs and X-rays and there is nothing 'serious' there, only inflammation i'm sorry but we can't pinpoint THE REASON behind the pain and inflammation... We have however a pain killer, 800mg of Ibuprofen would take care of the pain...
So after I exhausted all kinds of exercises, acupuncture and deep massages and pretty much giving up on the knew pain I once stumbled upon this studio on my own.

ONE POSE (a transition between warrior & triangle) , ONE MINUTE HOLD, and viola! my knee pain went away AND I FELT IT right there and there.
IT BLEW ME AWAY. My pain on the right knee would linger for much longer but since Pandora's box opened it must have been something else going there. I eventually CURED it with a different pose ((Vajrasana / Kneeling pose). I kept asking myself, what is this 'magic'?
Whoever created or structured yoga poses eons ago, they must have been aware of two very powerful things: STRUCTURE AND ENERGY FLOW in the human body.
Just like you have a car where it is ideal to warm up the engine before you start using it, the human body takes a major beating on a daily basis, office seating, arched backs, zero stretching, etc..Office desks were only created 60-100 years ago and our bodies were meant TO MOVE FORWARD on a constant basis, not seating for 8-10 hours a day!!!.
This lack of 'exercise' on a daily basis, is rendering our bodies futile, it is prostrating it to a 'broken toy' status...
When you add mental stress to the mix, a killer combination is then triggered that will eventually end up in PAIN (the levels will depend on each individual pain will arise none the less).

Yoga's INTENTION is then to RESET, to send the body back to its normal 'state' - a painless state just like when you were a kid and could do all kinds of things without feeling miserable the next day. Most of us did not feel pain during a good decade or two until we entered the work force...

Don't get hang up on a particular yoga studio or style, EXPERIMENT, many studios, many styles so your very own YOUR BODY can finally tell the difference.

Thank you Whole Yoga, I quit going to you and I should back to yoga but my intention is to provide a guide to those that are looking for light at the end of the tunnel. No magic bullet, no blue or red pill but the OPTION ITSELF, the path to a change, a path to a better outlook 'n life. We ALL deserve such chance. The choice is ours.


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