4 years ago

I am going to tell you about my bad experience wit...

I am going to tell you about my bad experience with this center, where I will certainly not return. A year and a half ago my son decided to adopt a cat and after searching they gave him the address of this place. Well, I adopted a beautiful kitten that apparently was healthy, this kitten Kira, as we put her, had fungus and an eye infection, after many visits to the private veterinarian, Kira managed to be a completely healthy kitten. In this center they told her that in a year we would have to go back there to sterilize her and we did. On October 30, Kira had an appointment for her sterilization operation, 2 days before we took our private veterinarian to Kira where he performed a complete preoperative and an analysis where they told us that she was completely healthy to undergo the operation.
On Friday, October 30, we took Kira at 9:00 in the morning and we were supposed to pick her up at around 1:00 p.m. That never happened, after an hour and a half they called us that Kira had died and that she could not stand the operation, we went there with all our pain and the vet with all the coldness in the world told us that she did not know how it had happened, that after having it After surgery, she had a seizure and died, no more explanations, that she herself was surprised since the preoperative tests were fine, she did not say that if we wanted to say goodbye to her that she had to prepare her and we waited a bit to see her, there she was on a stretcher with her eyes open and covered in a cloth from the waist down. My son is having a very bad time, he was with us for about a year and he loved Kira, people who have animals will understand how much they can be loved in a short time. We do not know what could have failed in the operation because if they made a mistake they will not tell us since they always have the ideal answer: "operations have a risk" ... but I will leave it there .... it is assumed that They do these operations every day and the risk is minimal, according to the veterinarian at the center.


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