
jo kels
Review of ORA Group

3 years ago

50 Parts slave labor .. 50 parts Nigerian scam!!!!...

50 Parts slave labor .. 50 parts Nigerian scam!!!!!!!... i would give zero stars but i wouldn't be allowed to post this review if i did..

If you are a naive college student, a foreigner from another country, a convicted criminal, or a high school dropout with no formal job skills and no basic knowledge of current wage and labor laws that are designed to protect you from low level capitalists whose primary purpose is the exploitation of potential workers of this type , then this position is for you!!!!.

Whenever a company who uses current workers as a front for advertising its 3rd party services by stating, yet not proving on record that they are a fortune 500 company, and stating the unverified and false successes of other workers by which you haven't had the opportunity to experience or investigate for yourself, with the expectation that you believe it just because they said it, then its a red flag!!!!...its a scam!!!!...

Whenever they promote a "Performance based" motto as a means of getting ahead and making money in a company without so much as taking in consideration the amount of expenses that a worker must sacrifice with no compensation, which includes NO PAID TRAINING, No REIMBURSEMENT FOR GAS, TOLLS, CARFARE, FOOD, and MANDATORY 10 HOUR SHIFTS DAILY including weekends and under a job listing that advertises a salary but are purposely not clear as to what you will actually be doing and under "THE HARDER YOU WORK, THE MORE YOU WILL BE CLOSER TO MAKING SOME MONEY that we will in no way, shape or form give you based on your own personal sacrifices, which is by all argument, SOLICITATION, coupled with the fact that THIS ORA GROUP company will bypass all current labor laws protecting its workers from such practices, then YES, THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM>>>>>>......

If you apply for a position for a company that does not do background checks, Reference checks, puts out an offer of compensation on paper, or doesn't so much as look at your application in order to grasp your level of experience in order to determine if your a good fit for that slave position, then ITS A RED FLAG....!!!

I'm sure this is not the first time that this pyramid scheme of a company probably had to change names repeatedly in order to dodge lawsuits and bad reputations.

One would think in this current age of exploited capitalism under our current administration that a so called Black owned company would be the last culture of the oppressed to adopt a system of capitalism that would in no way, shape, or form, benefit his culture. or the future of it...unless he is ashamed of or could care less about his own culture under the premise that capitalism will not affect him as a black man..

Anytime a company makes promises to its workers a position that puts you amongst the echelons of upper management within a short amount of time without taking in consideration that in order to be an effective manager, it would take years of experience that not just entails exploiting naive workers by any means necessary, but being knowledgeable in knowing how to effectively address challenges and concerns with your staff, fellow workers and customers alike and proposing solutions to address them, and not concluding that just because something does not or is not working that its the fault of the worker for "NOT WORKING HARDER".

Think smarter people, if you have to put in countless amount of hours and labor with no compensation for those sacrifices you put in for companies that exploit you for their own greedy purposes, then you might as well go in business for yourself...at least if at the end of the day, you make no money , then you have no one to blame but you.


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