Zvonko Muhadinovi Lov enac

4 years ago

Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade

Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade

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The Faculty of Law in Belgrade is a member of the University of Belgrade.

Faculty of Law University of Belgrade

The Faculty of Law, founded in 1808, is one of the largest law faculties in the region, with a long tradition of leading legal education institutions in the country. He gathered scientists and lecturers who had educated about 50,000 law graduates, about 1,200 magicians and 830 doctors of science, as well as hundreds of specialists in various fields. Many former students of the Law Faculty have become recognized experts and scientists in all areas of law, professors of other law faculties, as well as holders of high state functions. Today, at the Faculty of Law, around eight thousand students are actively studying at elementary studies, as well as several hundred at various degrees of postgraduate studies.

The current dean of the faculty is prof. Dr. Zoran Mirkovi .


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