Sara Jackson

4 years ago

Consider another optometry school that doesn't cha...

Consider another optometry school that doesn't change their curriculum from one year to the next, doesn't increase their already EXPENSIVE tuition as compared to other optometry schools, and is actually looking out for the interest of their students. The most frequently asked question is, "where is our almost $50,000/year tuition money going towards?". With tuition AND $400 lab fees (let's not even talk about thousands in lab equipment fees they give you a week and some times days notice to purchase), they're stingy about allotting lab resources to students. With classes, they've added a summer course without warning to first years without much notice or even consensus. But who doesn't want to spend 8 am - 5 pm in a classroom for months. And the evening spent practicing or finishing up lab. Three hour lectures, four hour labs. At least we got seven days of "summer break", right. All in all, consider a school that cares about their students' well-being and not just their standing compared to other schools. They have a great set of students who want to learn, but if they keep bombarding students with the weight of increasing loans and an unfair course load, you foster an unhappy environment of students who are just trying to get out of this trap and pay off their debt. Not students who are happy to learn or suggest this university to others looking to enter this profession.


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