
blitzkrieg carnage
Review of GCU

3 years ago

Shaye Karl,

Shaye Karl,
I personally would never promote ANY graded or time-scheduled ONLINE COURSEWORK AT ANY SCHOOL, because so much can and has happened to course work submitted to online coursework. That's a shock and unfortunately, a ding to the subconscious, the student's self worth, forever. It never goes away. Even though the student did everything they were asked to do a d submitted everything they were supposed to, the way they were supposed to, their work has never been seen or recorded as received, so they could get the credit needed. It is demeaning and confusing. And you know, even though you submitted everything, no one is gonna listen to you. You are SOL and not gonna get your credit, and will also get for your trouble, an incomplete. So you don't get your class credit, and you also get an incomplete. Wow. That event alone will realign your faith in the school system. You don't want to even go on at that school, or probably ANY school. You're done. And you cant explain it to a tone cuz they couldnt understand, and they think you must have done something wrong. And you can't explain what you had been doing for 2, 3 years. And you got nothing to show for all that time.

I had something exactly like that happen to me, but at another school. I gave up my Masters over being kicked aside. I didnt need a Masters. Heck, I found out what a scam throwing away so much money was, exactly that, a scam. Unless you're going for something in the higher engineering or mathematics skill set, you should just start working at a young age in the field you want to learn. You'll be higher qualified than someone who just graduated some college so-called degree. Or at the most, do the vocational set.

I graduated from this college. Yeah, I said college. And I'm being nice. Love how they say they're Christian and non-profit. What a crock.

This school is a diploma mill. Nothing more.

I'll be spending the rest of my low existence trying to pay back 80k for a night school course that existed of busy-work and bunk highly overpaid teachers. The classes in the late 90's were $700 per class, and that was crazy high and lacking for any life learning capabilities.

I tried to call to talk to the current Dean of students, about what happened to me at this college but, don't cha know, he wouldn't even talk to me about it. I tried several times, as a trip over there on the West side would've been very hard on my work schedule and I might've lost my job I did have, for missing work. So, I have stayed resigned to not claiming a college degree, because of this disgraceful decreditation of my work. If I didnt have my honors certificate along with my so-called diploma, I would have no way to substanciate my story of graduating with a 4.6 GPA. The only people who know I graduated with honors were those 20 students who actually watched me get up to get my certificate for graduating with honors, at the honors program. I am a PK and am still utterly disgusted at the behavior of these key people at GCC. Still so disgusted.

So, Shay Carl, and that other guy (Johnson?)who wrote about somehow having to take "$900-basket-weaving-classes" to fill in more hours to pacify someone who didnt care about the few of us who fell through the cracks in college, I feel real bad for you guys. I KNOW how much and how long that hurts. It's twenty years later for me, and I absolutely DO still feel it myself. It's a shame that some of us do somehow slip through the cracks in school, but we have to go on. Go on without it. Yes, it hurts to have to continually explain how that could've happened but if you wanna go on with what you got, you gotta.

If you're smart and do talk around, you'll find out that deep, dark secret. . . . It's not worth a lifetime of financial misery to saddle yourself with a big student loan unless you're gonna need much higher math or science to get where you just gotta go.

God bless us all. . .


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