Mandeep Singh

3 years ago

Hello Folks

Hello Folks
I joined Impinge Solutions in January 2020 for 6 months Internship In Android App Development.
The company said, "First Three Month Free Training and after three months we will be pay Stipend to you ".
Everyone Knows on March 21, 2020, Lock Down implemented, After Lock down, all IT companies employee doing Work From Home.

During Work From Home, First 2-3 weeks they give tasks after that they give no task and never pays single month Stipend to us. I tried to communicate so many times but they only reply " wait Kro abhi"

Whereas We see On Social Platform they uploading Post for hiring new Interns.

from Last 6 months I wait for a final response but they don't give a final response only replied "wait kro abhi"


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