Pamela Gregory

4 years ago

I could spend all day repeating the same things hu...

I could spend all day repeating the same things hundreds of others are stating here, New Seasons SAVED MY LIFE!
Unfortunately thats not exactly true.
I saved my life and 100% New Season had my back every step of the way. I could not have done this without NS!
When I first started N.S. I had a newborn Granddaughter in ICU and NS held me together. Chloe past away at 18 months old due to nurses mistake!!!!
Iv never experienced something so heinous and painful in my life! My daughter was not ok!!!!! No one was ok !!!
Ms Pulcherry walked me through every painful minute of every day.
For months all I did was cry and stay in bed! I mean I never never left my room until I Absolutely had no other choice but to do so.

I got very distant from family and friends I typically would have never done this considering Im a talker . I need my family and friends to help me through the hard times.
The hardiest thing for me to deal with was not a single doctor in the whole USA could tell us why! Why was Chloe born this way???? No one could answer!!

Only possibility we got was possibly Genetically the 2 parents just didnt mix and Chloe ended up with 21 different deformities and many other things that were wrong with chloe from the day she arrived she never left a hospital. Not single a day in her life was she free from wires , tubes or pain in one way or another..... its the saddest thing I'd ever seen was all the babies at Children's National hospital in Ohio. The most heartbreaking thing Iv ever experienced is seeing all the babies in that hospital!!!! You couldnt possibly understand without seeing what I seen there with your own eyes
Chloe had the top 6 pedestrians in the USA and no one could answer why!! Its always been the biggest frustrating thing for me!!
Chloe never went outside a single day of her life.
The day I lost all faith in everything I'd had faith in was the day we had to let chloe go...... She was only living due to machines at that time.
So .......
IDK how but
Things got worse then my spouse decided we should split up and we did for about 4 months He said due to my depression and his Angrier over the whole terrible experience we had been through . Now my daughter has a brand new baby girl and she is 100% healthy! Cali is her name...
It dont get any better than that!!!!
Back 2 the point.
I walked into New Season with what I felt was too few reason to live.
I just cant explain how depressed I was and I had very very little desire to live.
New Season gave me my desire back. My current counselor Missy 'and my past was Ms. Pulcherry are amazing women!! There are too many names to remember but I truly truly appreciate everything you all have done for me. Ms Sandy is a beautiful person inside and out and her smiling face is what I look forward to seeing every morning!!!I think her name is Sandy??... Im very bad with names so pardon me if I spell them incorrectly or just have wrong names.
The other counselors that have been there for me in past few years I am very grateful for also!!!!
Missy had maternity leave and in that time I met other great counselors!!!
I have a new job I have plenty of reasons why I do want to be alive today. Every single one of the people at New Seasons helped me to get to this place in my life!
I have never never in my life felt as free from drugs and ready to take on the world .. free of judgments and medical facilities that look down on me.
Thank you could never never cover my appreciation to each one of the people at New Season!!!
Ms Karen you rock!! Christina thanks for always making me smile.
Lee thanks for all the beautiful and creative art you hang up around the building I Absolutely love love it !!!
Both of the secretarys currently are great friendly and funny at times. Lol great to wake up to smiling faces in mornings!
Nurses are always sweet to me!!! I dont feel they get the acknowledgment they deserve...
I hear so many complaints about them that's BS!!
Dont mind the haters who posted negative reviews. They just didnt do the work!!!! The Counselor cant make you!!


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