OKI Street Surfers

4 years ago

i thought about this review for a while before pos...

i thought about this review for a while before posting it...I have a couple years of security (armed and unarmed). I know they were hired on to make security for a football game. Which they pay pretty good, and offer a lot of people a job. I was really happy about this little part time gig. After applying I got the emails that said to come to the college for an orientation at this time, on this date. Awesome. When getting to the college there was no body around to direct me. There are quite a few different buildings and I m new to the area so I had no idea where to go. I tried contacting the company itself to find out more info. The person I talked to had no idea about where to go or who to talk to and no idea who was even running that event. Polite but no information. So I got out and walked around couldn t find any signs of where to go and tried to email back. So I ended up leaving. The next day I got a email saying they were sorry and they would have another orientation later that month and they would email me with better detail of where to go when that happened. Ok great! A week later I received an obviously mass sent email about the event and what time to show up. I wasn t sure since I didn t attend the orientation if I was able to go or not and I had family matters the day of the event anyway. So I didn t go and sent yet another email apologizing asking about later dates I could possibly attend and questions about orientation. Never received an email back. A month later I m still getting emails about how they need people for these games that happen every week to every two weeks depending. The next email I receive says the same thing. Where the event is, what time, what to wear. And that they will give a basic orientation when new people arrive, and that if I m interested to reply to this email with just your name and what position you want to work.So I decided to go, respond with my name and position...Now this email says, show up at this parking lot , you will be shuttled to the front gate to check in, be here at this time, and what to wear.
After getting alittle lost I finally find the parking lot. I waited then asked someone about the shuttle. To which no one had any idea about so I had to walk in the rain to find where to check in. I finally find where I m supposed to be. I check in and they explain how I get paid, then bring me to this section in the stands and say just check tickets, make sure they have this number . I waited an hour and change, until the bleacher seats became uncomfortable and walked around my designated area just to stretch, watching the thunder and lightning wondering if there even was going to be a game. When one of the security officers came over and told me I need to stay still. Um ok..another 20 min, when someone finally came around and gave me a vest with the security patch on it. And told me we know you re thug and whatnot but we need to make you presentable for people to see when they see us, so tuck in your shirt, and put on this vest. I was baffled. First off I ve never met anyone here in my life but what part of me came off as thug?? My white collared shirt? My khakis sitting normally on my waist? Or my air force collared jacket? I was highly annoyed at this point. Telling them what position I signed up for did nothing. Which would have been fine had they simply said we need people here this is where we want you. But nothing like that was said. Nothing else was explained, The time of the events, how long we d be there, if I could be in the original position I requested or the supposed orientation. My wife had been having some medical problem and texted me after about 2 hours of being there saying she needed to go to the hospital. So I told the officer and left. overall it just seemed very disorganized. I ve never worked with this company before. Maybe it was a one time thing but based off just that bit, I know I couldn t see myself working for them again. Just my personal experience.


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