Jasmine Kang

4 years ago

I had opened a small business in downtown Toronto ...

I had opened a small business in downtown Toronto during COVID and needed simple vinyl lettering for my storefront windows. My store is about 10 min away from this location and after reading many good reviews about Signarama, I decided to reach out by calling this location.

My experience speaking with the store rep via telephone was great. He was friendly and helpful and informed me that since my project is small scale (only needed 3 words printed), it should be done within 2 days. He advised me to email my project to get things started.

Following his advice, I immediately emailed my project to the store. What I received in return was unexpected and disappointing. I was told by the manager that my project was too small for them to work on as they had larger projects in the pipeline and working on mine was simply "not worth the time". Despite her email, I decided to call them again to clarify (as they had just told me 2 min ago on the phone they'd be able to take it on).

This time I got to speak to the manager who emailed me and she informed me that they were "very stressed dealing with many larger projects than mine" and that my request was "too small to be handled" and she even assumed that I wouldn't want to pay more than $100 for it. Hearing that, I offered to pay a premium, yet my offer was rejected nonetheless as she added on the fact that printing 3 words would take more than 5 weeks - contradicting what I was told on the phone the firs time.

It disappoints me to see businesses like this is treating my small business like "you're too small to matter" during a time like this. And telling me that "we are too stressed already working on other projects" is extremely unprofessional - as you should be grateful that you even have customers inquiring. If you cannot handle any requests, simply stop taking phone calls or orders.

Although I was willing to pay a premium and wait, the store simply did not want to help my small business nor even consider it as it was too small of a project.
Extremely disappointed and I would never let my store manager speak to any potential customers like this. I ended up getting my vinyl from another store that was able to turn it around within 24 hours with great customer service.


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