Sapphire Smith

4 years ago

Where do I even start...

Where do I even start...
I only attended for a year instead of 2 because it was a complete and utter shambles! Half of the students enrolled onto the same course as me dropped out before the summer as well.

1. It took the course leader 7 months before they realised the tutor we had for our biggest assignments wasn t teaching us properly. Therefore we had to complete two massive assignments all in one go with little guidance.

2. Linking into point 1, as well as these big assignments piled on us, we had 2 exams to sit with no time for revision, but we still had to start the work for year 2 because we didn t have time! Ridiculous.

3. For one of our exam units we were left without a tutor from November until 3 weeks before our exam in May because the tutor we did have was needed elsewhere.

4. Didn t take my mental health and well-being into consideration, even though they were the ones who messed up the entire year.

5. We just got told to get on with assignments and the only help we had was from the assignment briefs, which really was just brief.

6. One of our tutors for another unit sadly passed away, and we were left without lessons for that particular unit for 2/3 months.

7. No guidance for work placements.

Furthermore, with these points listed above I really couldn t bring myself to enrol for year 2 of the course, so I dropped out. It felt like the entire course staff were working against us.


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