Andrew Flory

4 years ago

I've has to bring two different animals here.

I've has to bring two different animals here.

My 1 year old cat was sick on thanks giving and we had to rush him in. They took us in a back room and brought my cat somewhere to examine him. They came back with some xray showing a black spot in his stomach and stated that there was a chance he was going septic though they really couldn't determine anything unless they performed surgery where he had a 50/50 chance of surviving. We asked if they could wait a little longer and re xray him to see if the black spot moved or anything and they were pretty a demnet that we put him under the knife but agreed to wait a few more hours. They kept him on an IV to hydrate him as he was sluggish and didn't want to eat or drink and sure enough that black spot was just a large hairball he passed. $2500 later for an IV and an overnight visit for examination.

The second animal is more tragic. My 8 year old pug had a surgery to remove a few teeth at a local vet and everything looked good. A few days went by and he started to not do well he was sluggish and out of it and his blood sugar wouldn't stay up. A few trips back to the local vet and they said to bring him to here again as an emergency. Again they took us to a different room and came back with he was going septic. This time instead of an xray they put a needle in him and extracted fecal matter in the fluid around his stomach to determine this, without first even asking us if that invasive procedure was ok. So he went to surgery and they said that they fixed a very tiny pin hole in the lining of his stomach and he was in recovery. The next day when we were aloud to see him he was butchered from the surgery and in pain that was expected. The day after he was walking around but didn't seem to recognize us which was a bit disturbing. That night at 2am they called and said he had a seizure and they had him on anti seizure medication we would be allowed to come in the next morning and they would have a specialist look at him. Well we get there at 8 exactly and when we walk in they said he just passed a few minutes ago. We were devistated but having almost a year to think about it they neglected him as he suffered. He had to have had a stroke before they called on that night because he didn't know who we were the day before. They left him there to die scared and alone in a cage as we were not allowed to come and be with him. The $7500 spent for a dead dog isn't the bad part it's the feeling that our precious baby died by apparent neglect at their hands

I will never forgive them for this and urge anyone to be skeptical if they come back within an hour after they examined your beloved pet and tell you that they need an expensive surgery and hope that you can learn from our tragedy.


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