4 years ago

This rating is solely for their ER intake process....

This rating is solely for their ER intake process. I was in sever pain from kidney stones. I live close to the hospital so I managed to drive there. As I got out of my car I was bent over with debilitating pain.

At the entrance they have security. He asked me to fill out a form & sign in but my pain was too great for me concentrate on the task and told him I wasn't able to.

There was already someone waiting to be seen (mind you, this is outside in the cold at 1am). Someone (I only got her first name, Yoko) from the ER came out and attended the person ahead of me who clearly was not in any major distress. All the while I'm sitting there moaning and crying bent over in pain. Yoko never bothered to ask me I was there to be seen, or if I needed any assistance.

She took care of the guy ahead of me and went back into the ER and did not return. I waited at least another 15 minutes vomiting and crouched over on the ground in pain yet no one came to assist.

I finally mustered up enough rage and determination to go pound on the ER door until someone would come out.
And they were all like "you have to sign in or we can't help you".

I said I was unable to because of the pain. And the RN, Ismael Duran, had the nerve to say "well you were able to bang on the door".
Their attitude lacks any kind of concern, empathy or desire to help. I literally had to suggest they fill out the forms for me by asking me questions.
(I will say the care I was given once inside was very good.)

After the same RN, Ismael Duran, processed me for discharge I told him that I hope he never has kidney stones & gets treated at intake like he did to me. Then he decided to judge me (he called them "observations") by asking if I drove myself, if I carried my laptop bag (which contained also my wallet, otc pain reliever & keys). I took that as him implying that I wasn't in enough pain to not do the forms myself.
I also spoke the the guy who did my forms about it and all he did was make excuses & rationalizations.
Absolutely NO ONE apologized for the substandard health care service at intake. What if I was having a life threatening medical crisis? I would be DEAD from their lack of care.


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