Melissa Garner

4 years ago

I have always had good things to say about Copperv...

I have always had good things to say about Copperview we have been going for years. But yesterday was a different experience. I had my 6 year old with my yesterday for my appointment. I was getting a spot checked and a Thyroid check. My son loved the Halloween decorations so he was commenting how much he loved them to the MA. She asked him how old he was he then responded he was 6 and in first grade he started to tell her his favorite thing about school. He is a very social kid which I love because I was so shy at his age. When the MA asked how many kids I had I said just one. Her response was. I can see why you stopped there. All my kid was doing was being friendly. Little did she know personally our one kid took over 10 years to get him.That all I ever wanted to be was a mother and I never wanted just one but sometimes you don't get that choice. Then the Doctor came in took about 5 minutes looked at his watch 2 times. I think he had somewhere to be or I was his last appointmentand wanted to be done. Didn't even really talk to me why I was there just sent me to the lab as fast as he could.
On a positive note the people at the lab were extremely nice and were really cute with my little boy and very helpful with sone questions I had. I hope maybe by my blood work I can get answers to questions and concerns I had yesterday tgat I was unable to express to the Doctor.


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