Sad Culture

4 years ago

No one wants to post something negative, but it re...

No one wants to post something negative, but it really needs to be done in this situation. From the start, the owner acted as a tyrant to employees he didn't like, especially the ones that didn't fit a type. Anyone that worked there tolerates it because it seems like such a fantastic job for those that live around this area of Forest Lake, but we all questioned if it was worth it. We saw him verbally abuse employees in front of others. Demote employees off hearsay while destroying their character to all that would listen and then send in his staff to fire others that did nothing wrong because he couldn't do it himself.

Working at Gaughan felt as though you were walking a tightrope, not sure which way you would end up with any step. The work culture finally improved for a while, a few years actually, but the owner started a relationship with one of his employees half his age, and everything everyone worked so hard for quickly deteriorated. I hate writing anything negative about anyone, but this situation is nothing but purely toxic. It's disgusting the amount of control he has allowed this young woman to possess. So many loyal and hardworking employees he had but allowed her to let go, because they somehow landed in her way, or disagreed with her need to control and meddle in everything.

She is so power-hungry that she will scratch and climb her way to the top; however, she sees fit, and he stands there and backs all of it. There are so many wonderful employees at Gaughan still that deserve so much better. But, BEWARE, there is "the manipulator of ALL manipulators" lurking in the corner, waiting to take out anyone. Just disagree with her, and you'll see what happens. I wonder what the owner will do if & when he ends up on the wrong side of her? Either way, I do not see how that would end well for him because it appears she has him and his company right where she wants them. I pray he wakes up soon.


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