Kashif Malik

3 years ago

I'm writing this review 6 months after the purchas...

I'm writing this review 6 months after the purchase of my vehicle.

After reading this, you might ask why did go through and actually buy the vehicle? Well, it was at a great price and I should also mention that the make of the vehicle is not Cadillac.

Let me first mention the positives on the experience:

1. Antonio (salesperson) has a great personality.

Now the negatives.

1. I had scheduled to come in for the purchase of the vehicle that I had already test driven the day before. Despite this, I waited 3 hours before I was tended to by the finance person. I understand that sometimes places are busy with foot traffic but there was literally one other customer in this dealership at the time and this was on a weekday, Monday to be specific.

2. Antonio and I had agreed on a price different from that which the Finance Director lady told me. Because there was an agreement already in place, they honored it. Needless to say, it seemed a bit sketch that the final number was not communicated with the decision makers.

3. I addressed this to the supervisor (I forget his name) and he didn't understand my concern that a customer should not have to wait 3 hours after their appointment - this is not an Emergency Room appointment, and even if it was, 3 hours would not be okay! But all he could muster up was the fact that they were short staffed but someone will be with me shortly.

4. The gas tank was basically empty at the time of purchase (less than half of a quarter tank). I told Antonio about this. He said to send him a picture of the receipt upon fill up (I did), and that he'll send a check to my address. The car (SUV) at the time I believe I filled it up for ~$68. After a few reminders, I decided to let it be. What's $68 compared to a car loan? But don't tell me you're going to deliver something and then you don't. I'd rather you tell me, "Sir, you just bought a new car and there's no gas in it and we won't fill it up for you" - than being dishonest and deflective.

5. I was told by the Finance Director (Heather Reese, who is no longer with Moore Cadillac Chantilly btw) that they'll refinance the loan after 6 months (internally). It is 6 months now, I just came back from the dealership. They informed me that I cannot refinance as that's not something that they do. And the only reason I went back was because I already had a relationship with the financial institution that they work with so perhaps it would be to my benefit and subsequently General Motors as well, again per Heather Reese's direction. Antonio and some other gentlemen were there today, all of whom explained to me literally like a child that refinancing is done through a banking institution and the steps to take to do so. I already knew this obviously but I thought I'd give them a chance to redeem themselves.

Not a moment during these interactions today or 6 months ago did someone even apologize as a courtesy for screwing up. Truthfully, I'm not even looking for an apology as it won't mean much coming from those folks at Moore Cadillac Chantilly. But at least it says something about someone's character that they acknowledge your concerns.

So here I am, letting everyone know about these folks and how narrow-minded and deceptive their practices are.

I plead and urge you NOT to do business with this dealership unless of course you have less patience than I do or have a burning desire to be highly disappointed.


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