Sonya Anoua
Review of Volusia Ob Gyn

3 years ago

Okay so not sure exactly where to start but so far...

Okay so not sure exactly where to start but so far I ve only been to one appointment . I was waiting for the enrollment for Health insurance with my job . When I called and enrolled they said it wouldn t kick in until June 1st , which I didn t know until the day of my appointment and I told them I will pay out of pocket until my insurance kicks in . I go for my first appointment , filled out endless paperwork , I go into a room and the nurse tells me what s all good to eat and not good to eat during pregnancy and not to smoke or drink . Of course this is known , this is my second pregnancy but with my first one I had a midwife which was great but she wasn t there for my delivery so I wanted to try something different . This place had many good reviews that s why I went with this place . So any money I pay is fine as long as I m being well taken care of . I payed the $150 for the appointment just to do paperwork . The lady at the front desk was very nice she said she s not sure about how much the next appointment will be but because it will be an ultrasound it will be around $300-400. I said okay that s fine , I m having a baby I m willing to pay any price for a good doctor . I get my next appointment , I m excited to get the ultrasound . 5 days after my appointment , I get a call from Amber , the assistant manager of the office . Not sure how on earth she got that position , but unfortunately she did. She calls me tells me usually self pay patients have to start paying for the delivery already . Every month I should pay 500-700 . I told her my insurance will kick in June 1st . She said well I will let this pass , you know usually we don t do that bla bla bla but this time we will let it go until ur insurance kicks in . But ur next appointment will be $350 and you have to pay that before the appointment . I said okay that s fine I can pay it now if you want , she said no just has to be paid when u come in before your appointment. (As if I m going to walk out without paying or something ) I said okay so I m not paying for the delivery now right she said no I will let it pass this time . Like no u got me messed up . You not even the doctor that s about to see me , you not about to call me as if I m a charity case telling me ur letting me do anything . I chose this doctor to be my doctor and I expected to be treated with respect as any other person just because I don t have insurance doesn t mean I m broke or you should treat me any other way . You were about to get ur $350 for an ultra sound and any other appointments I have before June 1st that s fine . I told her well I will either show up to my appointment or find a doctor that will be fine with me paying out of pocket and she said YEAH , MAYBE THAT WOULD BE BEST . Like AMBER WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE REALLY ? calling pregnant ladies trying to ruin their day ? She said she s the assistant manager she runs the whole office , like who put this lady in charge for real ? what a disrespectful lady . Somebody get this lady a job that doesn t deal with pregnant women because if I was just a little further into my pregnancy and she called me causing all this stress for no reason , we would of had a problem . Too bad I wasn t able to meet any of the doctors. I will be taking my business elsewhere . What a waste of $150 .


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