Kalan Watson

3 years ago

I'm writing this review while currently waiting on...

I'm writing this review while currently waiting on my delayed flight due to the pilot not showing up.... first off MCO airport is ridiculously unorganized. You walk in, wait 30 minutes in a crowd of people (not a line) to finally get to the boarding pass check, since it's a crowd and not a line you get shuffled around so it does not matter if you were there before the people that are now in front of you.... Second step! Show your boarding pass and get in another crowd to go through security checkpoints.... now while this may sound or even look simple at first glance, that would be too good to be true. So here you get in a line that is about 10 people wide x 10 people in length, (crowd) now this line does not travel straight like most lines.... no. This line travels in the shape of a sideways "S". But imagine the center of that "S" being another opening where a another crowd of 10 x 10 people come into your already existing line. Now once these 2 crowds of people meet, its complete chaos, people arguing over their spot and complaining about people breaking in front. (In my head I'm thinking break in front of what??) Its not a line, just utter chaos. Follow the remainder of this confusing "S" security check line to be yelled at and told to hurry up and move "this way" by a security person monitoring this line. Now this person yells at everybody in line like they should know what to do... when he sees this daily and us travelers are currently overwhelmed by the way this airport operates. So you just "go where you think he means" and continue. Finally you come to the security table where you must remove electronics, shoes, etc. and put your bag through the security check. Then you must walk through a body machine to check your person. (This is where it gets tricky) when you come out. Your bag may or may not come out with you.... in my case, it did not. They told me I'm good to go.... but I'm not good to go because now my luggage has disappeared. No one tells me where it went or where I should go to find it. I walk around like an idiot looking for my bags to finally see a woman holding my backpack. I walked up and pointed at it and she brought it to me asking if it was mine. I said "it sure does look like it" security proceeded to tell me that they were going to check my bag and asked me if there was anything they should know about before hand. I told them that I had some donuts in my bag and I hope they don't get eaten. They didn't find my joke funny, looked through my bag finding nothing wrong or illegal and sent me on my way... now I'm here waiting on my flight that was suppose to leave at 11 but got delayed until 1. Oh and if your a smoker, this airport is not for you, no smoking unless you go outside and across the street, meaning after security check, you have to exit and when your done smoking you go back through the nightmare "S" line and get yelled at again. By this point I would need another smoke. So be prepared to just go without nicotine for who knows how long. I hope you find my review helpful and please enjoy your flight with The MCO Nightmare Airport.


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