Jamie Bishop
Review of Centrec Care

3 years ago

It is amazing to me that there are so many good re...

It is amazing to me that there are so many good reviews of this place. I have never been anywhere more bizarre and unprofessional. I went here to get a psych eval done in order to move forward with a pain pump trial. I got to my apt 15 minutes early and filled out the paperwork. And waited. And waited. And waited. For over 2 hours. FINALLY, I get called back and instead of meeting with the doctor, I met with the billing dept. I explained that I had an HSA and they needed to bill the insurance company who would pay them and then collect payment from me. The lady went and called and confirmed that yes, they needed to bill insurance. She then released me back to the waiting room, where I waited another 30 minutes. Finally I get called back to see the doctor (Ivy Allwell I believe). The first thing she told me is that she needed me to pay the $70. I told her how my insurance works and she said she would have to call them. I said "no, if you really need me to pay it I will pay it. I've been here for over two hours and need to get to work at some point." She had me go out and pay and then I went back in to begin the evaluation.

Shortly after getting in there, while answering questions, the door opens and it is the doctor's mother, with her lunch. After finally getting her mother to leave, we resume the eval and the doctor proceeded to also eat her lunch in front of me. Someone else just opened the door and told her someone named Tom was there with lunch. They closed the door and we resumed. Her mother came back in and told her Tom was there waiting.

A bit later, she got a phone call of someone telling her Tom was there.

All the while she is asking me questions and writing things down. FINALLY, I am released.

Two weeks later, they still have not sent the evaluation results to my pain management doctor. I'm having to get pain management to contact them just to try to get the results.

Oh and the doctor was also wearing flip flops and socks with her outfit. I understand casual work dress but this was just weird. The entire thing was weird. I was not made a priority - the door kept opening and I did not feel like my privacy was protected AT ALL. I am not even sure that the evaluation they did will be what my insurance needs to approve the pain pump trial and I might end up having to do it all over again somewhere else.

Again, I have never been anywhere MORE unprofessional. DO NOT GO HERE.


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