Susan P

3 years ago

Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

I am shocked to see the positive reviews of this company. This was not my experience! I did notice one review about the window trim being not recommended and I fully agree.

We were told the new window trim would not require regular painting for upkeep and it sounded very good. It starts to go downhill from there. The price quoted had to be revised once an installer came due to different sizing. Once installed it was noted that the white was a different colour than the window frame .and we were advised that the colour was as close as they could get (pictures attached). There was not much choice at that point for us, as the old trim was gone. We were never advised of this colour variation during the sales presentation. They were put on with staple gun and some nail holes were filled, many not and that doesn t matter as they were filled with the wrong colour paint (picture attached).

A screen was removed from one of the windows that was not being done and never replaced. (We did spend over $25,000 having most of the windows in the house done). I have called and enquired about this and was told they would reimburse up to $50 for a new screen, which I had to source myself. Investigating this, I discovered that the cost would be up to $200 for service call, screen cost and installation and advised House Smart. I was told to go to a local place like Rona or Home Depot and buy one .and was requoted in writing (email available upon request) that they would reimburse up to $50 . I am not a window or screen installation expert, and found this advice daunting.

When the windows were installed some of the labels were left on the outside of the windows. One of the windows was the large one on the front of our house. When I called to ask for it to be removed, the receptionist suggested that I remove it myself. It was about 12 feet up, and I told her that was not something I could easily do Thankfully, it was taken care of, but not without having to insist upon their help.

Sadly, we spent over $25,000 with this company and expected a professional job. Now I have window trim that doesn t match, a missing screen and picked up so much garbage (snipped silicone container caps, pieces of stucco, nails, saw dust in our garage, etc.) it was ridiculous.

We are hoping that the actual windows we had installed will live up to expectations, nothing else has. From our experience we now worry about those, so we give a two star rating.

The first two pictures show the difference in colour and the fill of nail holes .and this is the finished product. I now have to hire a painter to come and paint this trim that was easy upkeep .

The third picture shows the missing screen.


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