Eline V Olesen

4 years ago

I had a Very complicated experience with EF. I was...

I had a Very complicated experience with EF. I was in London Residence and the staff did not tell us anything that we were suposted to know. They were not Very good at keeping track on the students and they were Really bad at informing us on importaint Stuff. Like when we were suposted to go home, they did not tell us that we had to be out of the Residence at 10 AM so we got kicked out of our rooms by the cleaning ladies so I had to leave half of my Stuff in the room including souvenirs and other Stuff that I had just bought.
I am therefore Really mad at EF and I hope they will start doing a better job so the next Group of students wouldn't have to go througt what me and my friends went througt.

Part two:
When we were at the airport on the arrival day, our buss driver was very stressed, and he was yelling at us and our course leaders. He was so mad that he forgot to make sure that the door to the luggage was closed, so when we drove on the highway, our luggage was spread across the road. One suitcase even hit a car, but thankfully no one were hurt.
Because it was to dangerous for us to drive with the bussdriver, we had to go back to the airport and wait for a new buss.
After a few hours we found out that the bus was not comming. So we had to call to 7-8 different taxis to get us to the school. When my taxi finally arrived, we had been waiting for about 5 hours, and I arrived at the Residence at 4 AM. And we had to get up for school at 8 AM.
So because we arrived at that time, we missed the information meeting, and all of the students from Denmark (including me) and our course leaders, were not told when we were suppost to leave 3 weeks after.

And they did not tell us anything on wednesdays, there was nothing in our handbooks, and we were not informed with the fact that we were allowed to store our stuff in the office.


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