
david bombo

4 years ago

Thank you once again for your opportunity.

Thank you once again for your opportunity.

I have just learned that a group of Congolese associations had just filed a complaint against President Kabila Joseph, as in my previous opinion, this country like so many other countries of the planet suffers from the atrocious dictatorship carried out against civilian populations to quench their appetites for maintaining power. there have been deaths of men even the emissaries of the UN also killed, this is to tell you that these sponsors must be judged before they start a civil war in this country.
My thinking does not stop at the DRC no, but at all of our planet where the force of evil is gangrening and gaining ground, here we find a comprehensive and appropriate response to save humanity in peril. think of syria, afganistan, sud sudan, iraq etc ... We count a lot on your competence. Thank you


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