Erica O

4 years ago

I really liked this school for so many reasons. Bu...

I really liked this school for so many reasons. But now I'm not so sure. One of my son's classmates mother's approached him about an issue she should have addressed to the teacher or the principal. So once my husband and I got word of what happened we addressed to the teacher then he addressed to the principal. the principal as always handed it off to the assistant principal who never got back to us. I'm still really irritated by this issue and I'm at the point where I'm going to go off on the parent because she should have never approached my son. For the principal to just not ever get back to us very unprofessional and a big issue for me because they are usually on top of stuff like this. But like I got wind a few months ago the principal will just some times just not want to be bothered by certain issues and because of that I really don't think my son will be attending this school next school. I really want to keep in school with the same kids he started with but if the school is going to let an issue like that slide. I as a parent can no longer have my child attend this school.


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