Ben Kooistra

4 years ago

After repeatedly calling to set up an appointment,...

After repeatedly calling to set up an appointment, I received a letter in the mail saying the clinic has been trying to get ahold of me to set up an appointment. This is great I thought, here is a direct number to the clinic I need. I have no missed calls on my phone and I am sure no one tried to call me.

Sadly the number on the letter takes me back to the call center. where I explain about the letter, and ask how do I get in touch with the clinic. The untrained uncaring call center man says he will send them another message. I asked him if they have phones in the clinics..Of course they do, but the new streamlined system (most likely a product of the good idea fairy) will not allow patients to talk to the team that provides for them. I am guessing this is to cut out empathy from the system. I asked the surly man, "What if I do not have a phone to call back and can't come down there"? he said, "I am not going to pretend with you..."

So I asked for a supervisor in a not kind voice. The supervisor apparently CAN talk to the clinics....hmmm Take note...don't deal with the low level ever again.

So I got my appointment in a month....great job VA...way to take care of the troops. Only a month to go without meds because the doctor needs to "see" me the reauthorize the prescription.

Great to see that the new parking lot is done....should have used that money to hire staff....


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