Lauren Moment

3 years ago

Good afternoon, Readers.

Good afternoon, Readers.

I am writing to you to express my disdain regarding the incompetence of the management team and staff at the Tennyson Center for Children from the perspective of a youth treatment counselor (YTC). By the time you are done reading, you will have an in-depth perspective of your potential tenure at the psychiatric treatment facility so that you can make an informed decision about whether to work here and whether to send your children here.

I am a current employee. I can say definitively that the management team rank as the most incompetent, vindictive and jealous individuals I have ever had the displeasure of working with. Although it is not indicative of all members of the management team, it is enough to cause substantial friction high rate of turnover. For example, as a Ph.D. /M.D. candidate, I was welcomed by senior management as being a breath of fresh air in comparison to the vacuous imbeciles they tend to employ. With little experience, I am confident, ready to do my job and intelligent. They were also willing to work around my work school schedule, which was pleasant. However, a certain member, a supervisor, seemingly took issue with this circumstance and seemed to think of it as preferential treatment. I was micromanaged, mistreated and omitted from pertinent conversations out of spite. This was detrimental to both me and the supervisor.

For example, during one evening shift, a rather disturbed client proceeded to physically assault staff members. Although three physically-capable women, who are certified to therapeutically restrain belligerent clients were present, all three staff members, including the supervisor, were left with injuries that required hospitalization. I was not informed of this client s level of acuity and penchant for violence. Although others did, they were too incompetent to protect themselves, other staff members and fellow children.

This is a normal occurrence around the facility. This facility has a rate of attrition comparable to many factory jobs. Since I have entered in my resignation letter, three others have resigned. These are the last two weeks This is due to vacuity, jealousy, lack of education, self-centeredness and a myriad of other reasons that will lead this organization to be out of ratio soon.

To fellow peers following their educational pursuits. Do not apply here. Do not work here. Do not volunteer here. You will be disappointed and likely end up with a concussion, black eye, busted lip or extreme disgust for simply wasting your time. This is undoubtedly due to the level of incompetence of staff members and, unfortunately, the need of professional services and likely institutionalizations of their own. This is not an atmosphere that draws upon common schools of thought in therapy, psychology and psychiatry. They barely have their heads above water and are sinking quickly. Do not go down with them.


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