DoctorBier Gaming

4 years ago

I lived here from the 2016-2017 term.

I lived here from the 2016-2017 term.
-Beautiful Exterior
-Amazing Recreation Center

-Terrible Maintenance Response
-Very Thin Walls
-If you don't live on the 1st floor, the floors are even more thin
-Staff that give you the run around
-Incomplete Initial Move-In
-Parking discipline inconsistency
-Terrible, TERRIBLE parking

Obviously there are way more cons than pros. I will give it to the woods that their exterior looks amazing and that really helps them rope people in. The Rec Center is great but I don't live at the Rec Center I live in the apartment unit. Initially moving in you don't move into the unit till August 16th, however that doesn't stop them from charging you an already expensive full month's rent. The first day we moved in, the dryer didn't work, and we had no TV remote. My roommates and I didn't think much of it as they both seem like fixable issues. Our maintenance request was not responded to till 3 weeks later! When they came to fix it, it was brief and after testing it, was still broken. 3 more maintenance requests and 3 months later, they FINALLY placed a new dryer which was moderate at best, but with their track record we just gave up. We'd still do it every once in a while but would just get a runaround. Also when we asked about the remote, we kept getting informed that it's being ordered. Didn't receive it till the end of September. The next big grievance is that stupid thin walls and floors. One night we had friends over (no more than 6 people in the living room) and just the TV on low volume. Apparently we were laughing a lot and our downstairs neighbors constantly were slamming their roof telling us to shut up since they have class tomorrow. I don't blame them the walls were thin and poor planning to put someone's living room over someone's bedroom. The last and one of the most frustrating was the parking. The parking discipline was so inconsistent. Initially for the first few months all the guests would just park in the center loop. I worked at night and came home and had to walk a stupid long distance just to get to my unit cause all the spots were taken. Months in they began towing and for the first week was great until everybody just went to go get extra stickers for their friends (which were not hard at all to obtain) If you read this and think it's knit picking, that's fine. For paying $600+ a month it shouldn't be that bad. But just my personal experience that I hope a lot would benefit from. Through the constant calls, the staff would just love to give the runaround. I know maintenance problems aren't directly their fault, but still. A lot of college kids.

P.S. No the apartments didn't flood, however the first inner loop by the access road flooded and everyone had to move their cars from there. Felt bad for the people that were asleep and weren't expecting that.


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