
sameer dalai

3 years ago

I am sharing my worst experience in Gateway Toyota...

I am sharing my worst experience in Gateway Toyota and warn all of you about the impolite, discourteous, ill-mannered, uncivil, churlish, sullen,unkind, ungentle, truculent, crabbed, sour, disdainful, unmannerly and abusive (I dont find more words to describe my feeling and insult ) faced with the staff of Gateway Toyota ( from Mr Zain Lalji and his manager Mr Kameel) on date 30-Jul-2019..please read my post and spread to other until these people get punished...I have tears in my eyes with the character of these two people......

A week back i called Gateway Toyota to inquiry on purchasing a Toyota Rav 4 XLE..My Zain quota a Price(as per him this a retail price can get more better deal when i walk to showroom) , He proposed and insist to arrange a pick and drop for me to showroom(I have the written confirmation ) as I am leaving 35 km away from showroom and quite new in Edmonton and Canada..

Mr Zain picked me up but the the price of vehicle he offered me was way above then we discussed, and he has even no knowledge regarding basic technical and detail which makes me to buy that...when i have a disagreement with them and told them that I need a time to think before i go purchase..they suddenly denied me to drop at my location..I requested and begged to drop me as i was not familiar with the place .. then Mr Kameel came and iintroduced me as a manager of the showroom and stared using abuse language (he called me Sick, Mad,metal disorder) he told me that they can only drop me to my hoome if i go and purchase the car right away else he will kick me out of the showroom..he told me that I dont care what was promised to me but you arrange your own way..I have been waited there for almost 30 minutes and finally had to walk 4 km to reach to nearest LRT and atleast reached home...Since they promised me to drop at my office I left all my stuff and wallet at my office so i had no money to get back to home....

I never had experience of this kind of behavior from anyone in my life..they are not human at least and they only care about their sale by hook or cook...
I warn all of you to please stay away from the showroom, If they dont know the basic rule or service and treat their customer like this , forgot about buying a car i will go ahead and put a defamation case agnist them...I take this case and explained to Toyota customer care and waiting for a positive response from them and hoping toyota will take care of their customer..... Just look at my message conversation with My Zain and the price difference


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