Alexander Scarratt

4 years ago



Sent a work colleague to pick up a pair of binoculars for me, which were a present for another colleague. Colleague returned with binoculars and was readily apparent one of the lenses was broken. Colleague didn't really know what they were looking for when checked in the shop so was unaware of the broken lens.

Thought there might have been independent focus, but no instructions to check, which although strange was just something i assumed was just the way it was done. The body was also suspiciously scuffed but having nothing to compare it with just thought that was the model.

Separate to this, colleague also asked in the shop if could be returned as was for a present, response was "not really, but maybe within a weeks window," which is clearly a breech of trading standards.

Anyway, another colleague returned the binoculars on the same day and the manager decided to adopt the stance that he would refuse to exchange, accusing colleague of dropping them, absolutely disgusting! We refused to accept this and after 30 mins of pleading, he reluctantly agreed to an exchange, saying "this will be my hit"

I have just checked the exchange pair. Both lenses work and actually much better quality than the working lens in the previous pair! Furthermore, what a surprise, no scuffs at all - body in perfect condition so clearly not the model! Instructions are also in the box!

Happy to see right of reply, but our experience of this place is appalling and I would suggest avoiding at all costs.

If we wanted an experience like this we would have gone to a market stall.


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