Michelle Turner

4 years ago

Beer! Brewery! Fun!

Beer! Brewery! Fun!

Breweries are like food buffets. For a set price you get to pick what you want from the selections. Do you get a whole glass? You can if you give up two tickets, but for one ticket you get a pour. Now you may say to yourself, "Just a pour??" Well fellow drinker one pour is just a pour but six of them? You are basically having three beers. And that is nothing to scoff at.

Monday Night gives you six tickets, a nice glass, and you are off. My first time here and although it was packed the lines were not crazy. My favorite from Monday is their Fu Man Brew, a lighter refreshing beer and Drafty Kilt which is their heavier Scotch ale. Nothing they have (at this time which is the cool thing about breweries they are always coming up with new stuff!) is over 10% ABV and I'm an over 10% ABV kind of girl but I was cool with these two choices.

What is interesting to note is there were a bunch of kids here. It was a Thursday evening in the summer, buttttt kids in a brewery? And I'm talking about someone carrying an infant on their back to pre-teens. They are up in there. So if you want to make it a family outing, Monday Night appears to be the place. They have a ginger soda on tap that helps keep them busy along with some games.

All the ties on the wall are cool and bringing one with you gets you a $1 off. Nice outdoor space, parking gets filled up pretty quick, and of course the tour is an option for your beer brewing pleasure.

I wanted to add the Monday Night also does some fun stuff in the community. They have co-hosted with several run events in Atlanta, as well as other fun stuff so check out the website!


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