Pamela Whitaker

3 years ago

2yrs at this school, my daughter had been. I wasn'...

2yrs at this school, my daughter had been. I wasn't ecstatic the first year, but I said "ok Pam, gi'vem a chance". But, I Should have followed my first mind(God) and transferred my daughter. And days before the last day of that first year(2015-16), I told Dean Price, "only because of convenience, will she be returning). Biiiig mistake on my part.
Second year(2016-17), Sucks...to the zillionth power. My daughter was being bullied. Requested conferences with the Dean, teacher, parents /their children(daughters), even conceded to meeting with social worker...out of Complete desperation. Conference scheduled at 9a on a Monday. Only one other parent showed up, complained no one was there, said they were late and left... 10mins before "9a" So, I can understand why his daughter was always in trouble and somebody else's business. Then, unbeknownst to me, the "conference" was rescheduled...with the other parents, their children, the social worker...and My daughter. ARE THEY CRAZY!!!! And called me asking why I wasn't there. So, the Ignorant social worker tells me, "well Ms...., we can go ahead and do a phone conference with you on the phone" I went off!!!. "First of all, why wasn't that courtesy given to me, the day yesterday?" Secondly, why would have My child in a room alone, with the girls and Their parents, who have been victimizing her, and think it's ok?" That frail heifer gon ask me, "well, do you want us to send her back to class?" Me:"wt...do you think?! I called my daughter's name, and told her to go back to class." The unethical fool then asks me, "Ms...., do you want to reschedule..." I had to hang up. Long story short regarding that situation, I told my child, "you DEFEND YOURSELF BY ANY MEANS". A month later, after things were semi-toned, but still going on, I spoke to that pitiful, unethical, ignorant, piss pot fool of a social worker and told her, "that mess Never got resolved. I don't like you, your work ethics or how you (don't)"handle things. I don't want you saying Anything else to my daughter. And I told my child, "if she has a problem, to go see Dean Price. Or Anybody, other than you."
Other recurring issue... Ms. Frederick. Have had numerous conversations, conferences with her about how she addresses and demeaned my daughter. Her attitude is heinous, disrespectful crude, rude, demeaning, mocking...Completely intolerable, when it comes to the students. And parents. I told her, And Dean Price, "I think And feel, she is racist. She does Not, know how to engage with children. And she finds fault with Everyone but herself." She lied on, to and about me, to Dean Price, saying I Always curse at her and another teacher. Well, after they went outside to talk, and with the other teacher, I Did Cuss her Out!!! And the other teacher denied her lie regarding him and me. I pray and have been praying that that horrible person does NOT RETURN.
But overall, my daughter had been asking since last school year, not to come back. That is what I'm working on. No enough "extracurricular" activities. No field trips for upper grade levels. No science fair, or projects done. No real music program. And the "dance" program...laughable. Then, I see, the children are performing below state level. Not what I signed up for. Convenience has cost my daughter, and me, waaaay too much. Not worth the sacrifice again. I now understand why teachers abruptly leave.
10 thumbs down


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