Nicole Johnson

3 years ago

After "managing" our property for 4+ years, it has...

After "managing" our property for 4+ years, it has been brought to our attention by a local friend that our house is in serious need of exterior maintenance and lawn care. Why I should have better knowledge of the current state of our property while we are OUT OF STATE, than they do, 20min down the road, is beyond me. Shrubs are far beyond the roofline(of our brand new roof & repaired gutters, grass is gone, and we are left with weeds and dead patches, flower beds & garden are completely overgrown with oaks tree saplings beginning, pet damage to the SIDING of the home, and damaged/deteriorating soffits FALLING down on corners of the house. These are just a handful of the issues readily visible. We still don't know the status of our interior, because NO ONE HAS BOTHERED TO CALL ME BACK IN OVER A WEEK. And THAT was after speaking with the owner/broker, Candace Skinner herself. After speaking with her, I really thought we would receive some answers, and things would be taken care of. But after just getting off the phone with their....3rd?....property manager(Nadine?) in so many years....all I received was a half-hearted excuse about it being "too damp to mow." She also acted indignant that someone would be so upset over the lack of care shown, and proceeded to talk over me. There has been ZERO communication, and she actually asked me what we wanted them to do.... We WANT your office to DO THE JOB WE PAY YOU FOR.

At what point do you actually do the job you are being paid to do? Do you let us know that basic maintenance work is required before or AFTER the home has fallen into serious disrepair??? 1 star is very generous at this point. Now, we have to plan a trip to LA to assess the damage and make repairs.

We've been paying over $150 a month for a glorified middle-person to receive our rent checks. That's it. I wish I had paid attention to reviews before we entrusted Candace Skinner with the care of our home. I'll update when and if there is any resolution to this.


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