Andrew Mascarenhas

3 years ago

Relentless Garage is a relatively small music venu...

Relentless Garage is a relatively small music venue tucked away just north of Islington. As the name would suggest, it's sponsored by Relentless energy drinks and those naturally have a large presence behind the bar (ie...a jaeger bomb will not be made with red bull but the Relentless equivalent). Given the small space, it will be bloody loud no matter where you are so be prepared to be fully absorbed in the music as talking will more or less be impossible once the band gets going.

The acoustics are pretty decent given the layout and the sound crew take centre stage. It's actually pretty cool to see them do their stuff while you wait for the warm up acts to get out of the way. I think the bar is cash only (not 100% sure on that) so it's worth hitting the cash point outside before you get in.

The only other thing I'd want to point out is that as it tends to be lesser known indie bands, you get a wide age range, in particular some of the younger kids who don't know their limits yet. Be wary of the jail bait stealing drinks from wide-eyed teenagers and then puking in a corner. You don't want any of that!


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