Jeremy C

4 years ago

Beware, The customer service and answers I receive...

Beware, The customer service and answers I received from this bank, in my opinion, was 100% unacceptable.

I live in Michigan, have a credit union in Michigan, I used to live in Maryland, I still have a credit union in Maryland, my family member lives in Michigan and has yet a totally different credit union. I needed to make a transaction happen ASAP on a Saturday afternoon. This was the only co-op credit union open at the time. I started off at their Strongsville Office.

The lady at the Strongsville office could not find one of my accounts, where I was planning on taking money out, from Maryland. When I told her to use another account, the one in Michigan, she found it okay but then refused to deposit funds into my family members account without that family member s ID. A copy of the ID on my phone was not sufficient. The fact that I could recite their address was not sufficient, the fact that they were on the phone with him was not sufficient. I had ID to withdrawal funds out of MY account, but they wouldn t deposit into his account with-out HIS ID and a picture he sent me on the phone was not sufficient. In my 10 years of working in the banking field, we never required an ID to DEPOSIT funds.

We then changed gears, because there is a limit PER ACCOUNT, PER BRANCH, PER PERSON I was limited to $2,000. I asked if I went to another branch and was to pull the funds from the other account, Maryland, if that would be okay. She responded with Yes, you can do that. I then took $2,000 out of my Michigan account. I then drove from the Strongsville branch to the Parma branch. Once I reached the Parma branch, I was told NO, they do not allow their members to withdrawal anything more than $2,000 per day regardless of where the funds are coming from.

I informed them I never would have even been in their branch should they have been willing to deposit the funds into my family members account. I have his drivers license on my phone, it matches his account numbers that I am giving you, I have given 5 different credit cards, 2 federal ID s, 3 different government issued ID s, (I work at airports so I have multiple). It is obviously me why will you not allow me to take money out of my own account? They responded that it is because it is Shared Banking rules and regulations. I asked to see them in writing. That request was denied. We don t have anything in writing, it is just the rules . Little do they know, I have 10 years worth of business banking behind me, am a CPA, and Legally they have to have this information in the disclosures for any account holders. I threw that at them, the two people I was dealing with both looked at me like a dear in headlights as if WOW this guy knows his shit , Nope, we don t have them, you have to contact YOUR bank. I said But I m not at my bank and you are part of the shared network, and are telling me this is shared network rules, so I want to see the disclosures. They then changed their tune to Well we don t allow OUR members to withdrawal anymore than 2K from their accounts. I responded with, Okay, Can I see that in writing? The answer was, You are not a member, we do not have to show them to you and we do not have them in writing. Interesting. What do you give your new account holders? Disclosures that has all of this information in them but you can t supply it to me They said no, we don t have it in writing, it is just our rules and our policies. Um Okay, so If I am a member of your bank, how do I know my withdrawal limit is $2,000 TOTAL. Not per account, not per branch. (They kept telling me they don t allow their own members to go from branch to branch or withdrawal any more than $2,000 per day). So, how as a member of your branch am I supposed to know these are your limits? I see shady things going on.

I strongly suggest staying away from this company as a whole.


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