Andrew Wojack
Review of Float-RIte Park

4 years ago

The owner of this establishment is incredibly raci...

The owner of this establishment is incredibly racist. We witnessed him take two on duty cops to two cabins both occupied by minorities. He told the first they were on warning for a "noise complaint" and proceeded to the next camp and did the same, only this time the camp asked how it was possible they were the only ones getting noise complaints when the entire camp was blaring music until 4 am, the bar was blaring music until 2 am and the entire camp smelt of weed smoke. It was blatant racism and the cops just stood by and assisted this joke of a man kick them out. I made a heated comment in the campers defense and the owner charged me only to be stopped by his cop friends. They kicked me out of the premises, barely allowing me to grab my vehicle and get me gear together. The owner was screaming in my face and getting so agitated he again had to be restrained from stricking me. All while I was peacefully trying to gather my gear up. After I hoped in to my car my friends told me the owner told all of them that he wishes the cops weren't around so he could have "beat my a**". There was about 2 dozen witnesses who can confirm this. The facilities where incredibly unsanitary, and the secerity guards walked around like they were mercenaries for hire. Let alone they nickle and dime you for everything. 16 dollars for a tube down the river? Seems a bit ridiculous. Needless to say we will never be going back and I will be telling everyone I know to not do business with this organization as they are a disgrace.


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