Wonge Dewe

4 years ago

From time immemorial, I was little until I was alm...

From time immemorial, I was little until I was almost old, this factory I used its products,
But from decades, how come there hasn't been any innovation ...
The fanfare,
Anti-dandruff, anti-fracture, anti-branching shampoo,
Even though the dandruff uses bath soap as long as it is rinsed repeatedly it can also be lost
Boss ,,, I'm waiting for the products that are anti-lice, or gray hair,
Can it ,,,, ??
This is more important than others,
Look for innovations that help the community, with shampoo, which doesn't have to make special treatments, like rich people,
See, you can do it??
You are rich we are happy (symbiotic mutualism)


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