YouThoughtIwouldReveal MyNameLol

3 years ago

I ve lived in the wonderful city of harrisburg for...

I ve lived in the wonderful city of harrisburg for some time and there isn t much to complain about. beautiful city, great people, big but not too big town. but the harrisburg police department has been nothing but condescending, two faced, and it seems with a couple of the Deputies that they are deliberately trying to destroy people regardless of what the story behind it is. to put this into context an officer decided he had a major issue with my friend and siezed over 1000$ worth of his stuff and i understand trying to be safe but it has been quite a while and they STILL refuse to hand him his stuff. now im afraid of this police department because this officer seems to really have it in for my friend and has gone to great lengths to try and make him as miserable and uncomfortable as possible from sitting at his house watching it for hours and showing up with a dozen officers just to intimidate him protect and serve? protect and serve what? your own self interest such a shame that such an arrogant self righteous buffoon is allowed to be in law enforcement on a side note these are the same people that tried to arrest a girl with a 4.6 gpa over a shirt only further proving my point apologies to those in this department whose motives are pure. and i hope you filter out these officers that give you guys a bad name cheers!


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